ssociate Professor - Arts, Culture, Media
Office: HW 411
Email: sherrys.yu@utoronto.ca
Areas of Interest
Ethnic/diasporic media; critical journalism; representation of diversity in media; new media and digital storytelling
Sherry S. Yu is Associate Professor in the Department of Arts, Culture and Media, and the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication from Simon Fraser University. Her research explores multiculturalism, media, and social integration. She is the author of Diasporic Media beyond the Diaspora: Korean Media in Vancouver and Los Angeles (2018, UBC Press) and the co-editor of Ethnic Media in the Digital Age (2019, Routledge) and The Handbook of Ethnic Media in Canada (forthcoming, McGill-Queen’s University Press). Her research also has been published in scholarly journals such as Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, Journalism Studies, Television & New Media, Canadian Journal of Communication, Journal of Global Diaspora & Media, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and Canadian Ethnic Studies.